His background may be in diplomacy, but hearing
Sir William Patey's pre-match interview before the
Swindon Town v Portsmouth game last Tuesday, it didn't take much reading between the lines to understand that the moneyman behind Swindon Town,
Andrew Black, is looking for a buyer. The club is unofficially up for sale and Sir William Patey is going to earn his corn by seeking viable purchasers by using his network of contacts built up during his time in
Her Majesty's Diplomatic Corps...hopefully! The clear message was that the purse strings have been drawn tight and the only way the
County Ground is going to be redeveloped and
Paolo Di Canio is going to have a competitive budget for next season's Championship campaign is if wealthy foreigners like the look of the club, and want to invest in it. The one good thing about Swindon Town in the eyes of any potential
Far Eastern investor is that the team already play in "lucky" red and we won't have to suffer the ignominy a la
Cardiff City of having to change our traditional club colours to fit in with another country's cultural mythology. After all, conversely, can you imagine some
South Korean club agreeing to wearing farmer's smocks, tied at the ankle corduroy trousers and a weather beaten straw hat just because some lad from
Wiltshire wants to invest in their team? I'm proud to be a
Moonraker, but I don't think it should be foisted on everybody!
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