In the UK, we are very good at building someone up only to knock them down again once that person is successful. Over the past few weeks, Paolo Di Canio, has tried Swindon Town fans' patience with his shenanigans and I for one have tried to see the positives and hope that, once the sale of the club had gone through, the feisty Italian would calm down and accept the manager's role that would be offered back to him by the new board. First impressions of Mr. Jed McCrory for me is that he is a genuine football fan who has now achieved his life's ambition of getting himself into a financial position where he can jointly own, and be chairman of, a professional English football club. Add to that, his obvious enthusiasm for wanting to get stuck into his new role and one can imagine that his first priority was to repair the damage and restore normalcy to the operation of the Wiltshire club. However, before there was a chance for the new chairman to offer an olive branch to Di Canio and reinstate him as the team manager, the ex-Swindon leader was on Sky Sports News explaining that his "Swindon chapter was over". Not long after, there are reports in the media that he is considering suing Swindon Town for breach of contract!? Desperately in denial, since Swindon Town was put up for sale, I have been a proponent for getting Paolo Di Canio back as manager. However, with what has been going on and with Paolo Di Canio acting like a spoilt brat, I have to finally give up my support for him.

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