
Sunday, 12 October 2008

BBC is the Way to Go

Publishers don't want to know. Literary agents don't want to know. Which way can a new author turn to get their work out there? Well, with the demise of Rain Publishing, I've decided to send Cromarty Biggs Powder Monkey to the BBC in script form as a television serial. They may like it, they may not, but nothing ventured nothing gained. I did put it out via Lulu.com, but pulled it, because it didn't have a picture for the cover. I need to save up and perhaps self-publish properly as my own publishing company.

I'm not downhearted, because I know people have enjoyed reading it; someone's even selling a copy on amazon.co.uk for nearly £30, so someone has recognised that it may be collectable!? As mentioned above, perhaps the route to take now is through another branch of the media and gain recognition for the book that way.

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